Italics, Bold, Quotation Marks, CAPS, Underline? How do I add EMPHASIS to my writing?

Source: Italics, Bold, Quotation Marks, CAPS, Underline? How do I add EMPHASIS to my writing?

Debbie Bowman has written a wonderfully informative post on the various tools we use to emphasise our writing and their correct uses. I love the English language and its nuances and this made an interesting read for me- which I hope it will you too.


17 thoughts on “Italics, Bold, Quotation Marks, CAPS, Underline? How do I add EMPHASIS to my writing?

  1. Susie, I am so honored that you found some useful information in my blog on Emphasis. I haven’t forgotten about you being a beta/marketing reader for my next book. I’m still struggling through the rewrite. lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much, Susie. I originally wrote this in 2014, but I had so many new followers that I felt it needed to be shared again. I enjoy mentoring writers and am always available to answer editorial questions gratis.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Susie,
    I have been nominated for a Sunshine Blogger award and am spreading the ‘sunshine’ by nominating your blog as well. You have brought Sunshine to my day on many occasions simply by stopping by and liking or commenting on one of my posts. I hope you will accept this award and pass on the sunshine to those that have made your day.

    Sunshine Blogger Award


  3. I love English language improvement articles and I specially like to read to the ones people suggest… Thanks so much for sharing this one.. It was really informative and I just might learn a little more after re-reads…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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