Shopping best times

What times do you like to best do your shopping ?

Is it in the daytime or at night ?

Is it when the shop doors open and you like to rush in and see what new produce the stores have for you ?

Or do you like to do your shopping late at night, like after 11 pm ?

Do you enjoy watching people as they shop and wonder about the things they buy, the families they might have at home, who gets to eat the food they have stacked onto their trolleys ?

Speaking of trolleys, do you take a trolley with you as you shop and enjoy putting things into your trolley as you see them or because they might look good in your home ? Do you wonder at the shopping counter, how these things got into your trolley and what you were thinking of when you put them in ?

Or, do you prefer to go light when shopping, with just a shopping bag ? Or maybe you like to shop with your hands, grab-and-go ?

Which is the best way and time of shopping for you ? Finally do you like shopping ?

I enjoy a good shop and am an enthusiastic shopper. Some days would find me running about a supermarket like a crazed woman, as though a curfew is about to be called and I need to stock things before the shop closes. Some days would find me dull and very utilitarian in my shopping outlook- buy only what I need.

I have come home after a shopping expedition, wondering what I was doing with that thing I purchased or how I was going to use it. It seemed so good to me when I bought it but now I can’t find a use for it.

But the one thing I have learnt about shopping over the years is that I like to shop when the crowds are less. These are the times, I can think about what to buy and what not to buy, rationalize on the costs, the need and the purposes of my buys. I enjoy these solitary soliloquies.

To this end, my best times for shopping are early on in the day or very late at night when people are in bed, the roads are less crowded and so are the shops. Similarly I like to shop at the end of a month, before pay cheque day because that is when the crowds are less in the shops and I can shop to my heart’s content.

Are you a fastidious shopper ? Do you think about when to shop and what to shop ? ARE the times of the day important for you when you shop ?

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32 thoughts on “Shopping best times

  1. I used to love a good marathon shopping binge. Now, not so much. It is too much like work now to walk that much and I still refuse to use one of those motorized carts they have in malls. It could be way too dangerous for all.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I much prefer to shop when there won’t be a ton of people at the store. And I learned a lesson the other day–until my stent is removed, I’ll be used to motorized cart if I have to pick up more than a couple things. I am not fit for shopping right now.

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  3. I quit shopping in malls and turned to mostly online shopping even groceries when I can. In fact, I think I tend to spend more than when I am at the stores because of all the pop up advertisements that lure me to buy. Haha! Woe to my credit card.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deb, good idea too. It takes a scientific researcher to find out which times are less crowded and then to shop at that time. Thanks for sharing your view point, Deb.
      I try to shop late at night now and perhaps towards the end of the month, when the shoppers are not so enthusiastic and loose with their purse-strings. 🙂
      Loved the smiley.

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  4. I try to shop at a less crowded time of day. This makes it easier to focus on the task at hand. If there are a lot of people I park my cart near the top of each aisle (out of the way) and walk down, holding items in my arms. I hate trying to dodge my cart in and out of other shoppers and this allows me to get done quicker. If my order isn’t too big, I use the self-check counter. I’m not a fan of shopping overall and prefer to order online when possible. This was a good post Susie; it’s interesting to hear about other people’s preferences.

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    1. I like that idea too but things like milk, cat food and proteins need more frequent visits to the grocer. And when we do visit for those, inevitably a whole lot of other things come along and what we go planning to buy.


  5. Hi Susie, I like to shop early in the morning. I live in a college town and the 1000’s of students, and additional cars they drive, can make shopping and driving in my town a nightmare if I go at the wrong time of the day.


    1. Yes, so true and me too ! I do research and find out trends to find out the least populated roads and aisles of that day- sometimes even the days of the week make a difference.
      PS. Do you have old fashioned grocer shops in your town or have they been all replaced by self serviced supermarkets ?

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  6. I am on my own so I go after work and try to not go while hungry. This is when I throw everything in haphazardly. Lol 😀
    I tend to get more microwave meals but do use coupons! 🙂


  7. I hear from my women friends that I’m a typical guy when it comes to shopping. I go into a store. I buy what I want and leave. I have women friends who can spend hours strolling through a store like Macy’s, and comparing products that look exactly alike to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There was a time I used to love doing that until I had no income and no job- then I had to watch the pennies and the habit happily stayed on. Thank you for your comment, Rashmi. My day is filled with joy now that an old friend has come back- words cannot describe my happiness. Stay safe and happy, my friend.

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