New Food Plan- ASK Support Group

I am joining this support group set up by the very successful, lovely, kind and sharing Deborah Crocker. She lost more than 90 lbs of weight, constantly guided and helped by her directions from God.

The idea she has put forward is to have a support group that shares how God is leading one to eat- no diets and no judgments and no advice either.

As per the plan, I am posting my food plan for today or my food victory for today – June 28, 2016.

Last night seeing myself in the mirror, made me realise that my latest diet is not doing me much good- because of course, being on smoothies, which are unpalatable, I used fruits in considerable amounts to sweeten them up and of course they showed up on my cheeks and probably in my liver too. Current problems that bother me are severe pain along one side of my back, particularly if I sit very long in a place and especially in a very cold place( AC turned on high).

I am travelling next week for my annual vacation and am dreading the day my in-laws see me for they have a particular way of judging my size and my weight- and saying- so you have put on weight- what do you eat and stuff, I would rather not be reminded of. I am so frustrated by these thoughts that I started praying about it and asked God ( don’t laugh) if I could be seen by my relatives as thin, even if I was not actually- because after all, weight and height are a question of perception and God being all powerful can of course turn things around and even people’s view points and make theme see me as thinner than I am.

This morning, I saw myself in the mirror again and have decided to fast for a couple of days, at least to get the rotundness of my face back to normal. My face is size XXXL as I see it and I need to get it down to at least L before I travel.

So I am praying about it but am not sure if I got this message from God to go cold turkey but I am taking it as so, and trying my best- so far so good, not hungry yet and about 3 hours into my change.


14 thoughts on “New Food Plan- ASK Support Group

  1. leleharris says:

    I drink plenty of water when I can. I also drink 100% juice or regular juice when I go to resturaunts. I try to stay away from pork and catfish but I can eat pantrout even though I’m allergic to shellfish which probably was a good thing for me.
    There are several foods in the bible that we were not suppose to eat so I tried staying away from it. I take a fitness class twice a week and sometimes go to the gym more than once a week as well. I started seeing a change within a month. I thought my clothes got bigger apparently my waist got smaller and my plump stomach is going down. Thank you Jesus for the couple pounds I lost!
    As you fasting, continue to pray and meditate on God’s word, the bible. Fasting does work and even if your not fasting you will see a change in the way you eat.
    I eat small portions of meals and sometimes don’t eat but one or two meals a day. After my fitness class all I want to eat is chicken tortilla soup from McAlisters. I usually order a large soup and finsh it the next day.
    I pray this helps as well and enjoy your vacation because its worth it.
    Stay Blessed & Stay Encouraged 😃

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lele,
      Thank you for writing a long post to discuss weighty issues.
      Can you share references from the Bible about foods to eat and not. Have you joined Debbie’s support group as well ?
      Thank you for your blessings and good wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. leleharris says:

        You are welcome.
        I know that we can not eat pork, shellfish, (no catfish, but we can eat pantrouts and other fish like salmon), I’m not sure about beef but I do know for sure we can eat chicken and turkey.
        Its mainly the type of meats we’re not suppose to eat.
        Vegetables we can always eat. I try to stay away from junk food and snack on popcorn or maple nut goodies or peanuts(boiled or not).

        Liked by 1 person

  2. As we struggle with excess weight issues, it’s important to remember who we are on the inside. Having said that, I found that by cutting all meat from my diet and a brisk walk each day for 30 minutes, I was able to lose 10 lbs. in two weeks. I only drank water & coffee (2 cups in the morning) and ate lots of vegetables & legumes. Filling up on these removes the desire for breads & desserts. Also, removing salt helps with fluid retention. It’s harder to lose as we grow older & our metabolism slows down! Good luck and don’t let the judgement of others get you down. Focus on the health aspects & love yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Susie, I’ve been praying for you since reading your comments. You are such an encouragement to so many, including me. Thank you. I pray your vacation is enjoyable. Lord, make it easy for her and help them to see her for the beautiful person she is, both inside and out.


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