Sunday Sachets

I have about 240 followers who have been gracious enough to follow me, starting from when I started blogging in August, 2014.

I have almost a personal relationship with many of them. This is very important to me. I want to be able to read their posts and see what they think about life, things, their hobbies, their experiences and so on.  Some of them are great experts and even research on DIY( do it yourself) things. I know a couple of bloggers who blog about blogging.  And some offer expert advice with humour.

When I read a post written by anyone, my first instinct is to see if I can engage with them in a written conversation. This is exactly what I would hope to achieve if I wrote a post and published it. I want comments. In fact I love comments; I want conversation; I want to know what people who read my posts think.

But I find that the most number of comments I can gather in spite of my best efforts is an average of 21. Sometimes when I read the comments on other people’s blogs, I really feel envious.


I wonder if :

  1. The more the number of followers, the more the comments. This is statistically possible.
  2. Or is it an Search Engine thing- if you put in key words in your post, then you are searched more and then it is possible that people might write to you.

What do you think ?

How do you increase the number of comments in your comment box ?


53 thoughts on “Sunday Sachets

    1. Really, you think so, Misty ? Thank you for your positivity- you made my day. I am trying to visit all my followers and read and then comment on at least their latest posts- believe me, it doesn’t take all that much time.:)

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I love comments, but my top three most viewed posts have a whopping two comments between them. Both on the same post. I’ve even pointed this out in a couple of posts and linked to my all time top post, but still, nothing.

    But like Donna said, I’ve gotten the most comments on Blogging U. assignments.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Susie,
    1. Thank you so much for the link into my site. I am truly grateful for the exposure and that you thought of me when you composed this article.
    2. I read the dialogue here.
    I have actually written on the topic about how to get comments on your blog. I brought the posts for you.
    I hope you find these helpful, especially the first one..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. PS
    Susie, I never answered your question.
    Do I think the number of comments increases with the number of subscribers you have?
    Yes! Absolutely!
    I heard only 2% will open your Email or click your link. That 2% number gets greater with each blog subscriber you have.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Done. My one issue is “what is my blog about ?” It does not provide expert advice or DIY or cooking tips or anything like that. So what does one do in such a situation ?


    1. Gene,
      I agree. Seems to me, I have no purpose at all and am just writing because I like writing- like an online journal. Nothing more. I must think of some point of my blogging.
      Thanks for the input.
      Happy New Year, Gene.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I find I get comments when readers are passionate about the films I’m looking at on my blog. This usually comes as a surprise… movies I love get no comments, while the ones I think no one ever heard of get many. You just never know what you’re gonna get! It’s part of what makes blogging so much fun!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. It’s about what you write in your post, if you leave something in the text that trigger people to add something or agreeing or protest. It’s about answering comments with more than thank you. If you say something more that is possible to respond to, then you can get a ongoing conversation and that might leave a possibility that you get comments in the next posts too. It’s about leaving comments on other blogs, which also makes more followers sometimes. You don’t have to have millions of followers to get lots of comments. I think it is the feeling of getting answers to comments that makes people comment and come back and comment again. I’m not on fb or twitter or anything else than wp. Still I get lots of comments. Everyone find their own way to increase comment stats 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You also asked what to do if you don’t know what your blogging topic (niche) is. This article explains how to find and maintain a blogging niche:
    Thank you for your questions. As a new subscriber, I would love to offer you (and your readers) a free 15 minute blog critique. I am home from work all week if you’d like to set up a time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. HI Susie

    I average around 40 comments depending on what I write, although probably half of those is me replying to people. I have a facebook page for my blog, but I do very little with it. Probably the post with the most comments would be when I do something on blogging, or asking about blogging.

    I personally don’t think there is a right or wrong way to get comments, but I do think if you go out and chat to other bloggers, they come back and chat to you. 🙂

    Oh and thanks for the mention 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My blog took a real upturn in terms of likes and comments when I started taking part in the Daily Press Weekly Photo Challenge ( Of course there are lots of other challenges you can do which might suit you better. I also explore tags in my reader and find like-minded bloggers and comment on a post or two to see if I can start a conversation. I get more comments now and I think there is a corolation between followers and conversation at some level but it also depends on the SORT of followers you have. I hope I have helped a teeny bit and I hope the conversation expands for you because it is a really fulfilling part of the process 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. koolaidmoms says:

    The more I go out and seek out other bloggers on their posts and comment on them I find that they comment on mine. I am finding some common people that comment often and we are building a little community. Just jump in and start reading and commenting on things that interest you and you will find followers and from that people who will comment. It took 2 1/2 years to get to 300 followers for me and I am over 500 two months later because I have gone out and sought similar blogs and followed them too. It works but it takes work too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your valuable input. I do that too but I think the one thing that attracts people is personal things and problems and how we handle them and then “other media connectivity “- being on FB, Twitter, pinterest etc..,
      You believe, the more the following, the more the comments ? I am now into my 1 1/2 year of blogging and am at 245 but I don’t go out of my way to promote my blog + it does not have a specific theme( perhaps that matters too).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. koolaidmoms says:

        It took me about three years to get to 300 followers. I did little “promotion.” I didn’t know I needed to. Then I started reading some of the bigger blogs suggestions on how they grew. Reading others blogs, commenting on blogs and building their communities by Twitter, FB, etc… we’re the top suggestions they all had. I tried it. In the three to four months since then I am now almost to 500 followers. I get more blog likes and comments than I ever have before. So, yes more followers means more likes and comments but more than that I think doing it on other blogs brings it back to your blog when they want to reciprocate.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Including a CTA (call to action) at the end of a post helps. Something like finishing with a question related to your post that you would like your readers to answers. Probably, not all of them will comment, but you’re sure to get some comments!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. well, that happens. It’s difficult to strike a chord with every single post, but I think the most important thing is to be honest. Being yourself and writing honestly will give a lot more in the long run than only writing about what you think people would like to read.


  11. It takes time and the more you interact with fellow bloggers, the more comments you will receive, I follow The Daily Post and get involved with their challenges. You meet a lot fellow bloggers this way. Also, join in a weekly event or sponsor one yourself. I just started sponsoring my own event, Tuesday Chatter, and even though it is a slow starter, it is fun and gaining momentum. Also, take the WordPress courses. I keep taking them again and again because you meet so many new people, plus you get great ideas from the WordPress staff. Here is the link to The Daily Post


      1. Nice to meet you Susie. My name is Franci. I use amanpan as my WordPress name. The amanpan idea is from my cat, Amanda Panda. I take the WordPress courses again and again. I learn something new every time plus meet so many nice people.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Suzie, I had to pop in to this post and comment, to say thank you for the follow. It is a conundrum why people comment. I have some loyal followers who comment come what may, some who come and go and some who comment brightly for a while and then disappear. I blog randomly around all sorts so it isn’t the theme though advice posts generate more comments generally. I haven’t tried any WP courses; maybe I should just to see how they work.

    Liked by 1 person

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